Monday 26 August 2013

Singapore youngest millionaire. We can all learn from him

Singapore youngest millionaire. We can all learn from him

#Singapore youngest millionaire. We can all learn from him:


A blog Post by Singapore's Youngest Millionaire

By Adam Khoo On Money

Some of you may already know that I travel around the region pretty frequently, having to visit and conduct seminars at my offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Suzhou (China). I am in the airport almost every other week so I get to bump into many people who have attended my seminars or have read my books.

Recently, someone came up to me on a plane to KL and looked rather shocked. He asked, 'How come a millionaire like you is traveling economy?' My reply was, 'That's why I am a millionaire. 'He still looked pretty confused. This again confirms that greatest lie ever told about wealth
(Which I wrote about in my latest book 'Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires'). Many people have been brainwashed to think that millionaires have to wear Gucci, Hugo Boss, Rolex, and sit on first class in air travel. This is why so many people never become rich because the moment that earn more money, they think that it is only natural that they spend more, putting them back to square one.

The truth is that most self-made millionaires are frugal and only spend on what is necessary and of value. That is why they are able to accumulate and multiplies their wealth so much faster. Over the last 7 years, I have saved about 80% of my income while today I save only about 60%
(Because I have my wife, mother in law, 2 maids, 2 kids, etc. to support). Still, it is way above most people who save 10% of their income (if they are lucky). I refuse to buy a first class ticket or to buy a $300 shirt because I think that it is a complete waste of money. However, I happily pay $1,300 to send my 2-year old daughter to Julia Gabriel Speech and Drama without thinking twice.

Thursday 22 August 2013


The PhD ‘viva voce‘ (Latin for ‘by live voice’) examination, or oral defence, is the final hurdle in the journey towards gaining the doctoral degree that you have worked for so long and hard over the last 3-6 years. The viva serves a number of purposes: to clarify any issues relating to specific parts of the thesis, to the thesis as a whole, and to the award; to ascertain that the thesis is the candidate’s own work, that they have developed research skills at this level, and that they understand the relationship of the thesis to the wider field of knowledge; and where the thesis and/or the candidate does not meet the criteria for the award, to try to determine the possible reasons (more detail can be found here).

Monday 19 August 2013

Winner Viva Presentation UNSW~ 2011

Tip Presentation for Student - This Better Video for Viva Time

# 3 Tips For Student Presentation
1. Be Confident
2. Outline & Topic
3. Impact Point Last

Thank You Tom Kenny

2 Day Before My Viva Master ~ Tip on Presentation From Steve Job

Apple CEO Steve Jobs is well known for his electrifying presentations. Communications coach Carmine Gallo discusses the various techniques Jobs uses to captivate and inspire his audience — techniques that can easily be applied to your next presentation. For more tips on presenting like Jobs, read our Crash Course.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Before My Viva-The Climb Lyrics

Today I plan to check my calculation back, and practice presentation.
Hope to day give more confident for me.
I wish all the best to me..

Another day of full of hope... another day to hold on, be grateful...another day to remember or to forget..
'It's not about how fast I get there, it's not about what is waiting on the other side, it's the climb, there's always gonna b another mountain, I'm always wanna make it move, always gonna b an uphill battle, sometimes i'm gonna have to loose'

Friday 16 August 2013

Getting to Re-Know Your Thesis

Having spent so many years with your thesis, it may seem strange to hear that a key part of your preparations is to get to re-know it. Your examiners will expect you to have a good understanding of the structure and contents of your thesis and that means getting to know it in a different way.

Step Back from the Detail

Your examiners are likely to ask you to comment on the wider implications of your work, so you should take some time to think more broadly about your research.
You may wish to use the following questions to help you prepare for discussing these issues in your viva examination:
  • What is your thesis? - i.e., What is your original contribution to knowledge?
  • Which overarching philosophical or theoretical assumptions have you been working within? Why? How successful were you working within these assumptions?

Viva checklist

This checklist may help you prepare for your viva:

  • I know my thesis thoroughly
  • I have written a one-page summary of each chapter
  • I have continued to work with my thesis after submission or have begun to prepare a conference paper or publication
  • I am able to explain how my thesis fits into the big picture
  • I have kept up to date with relevant literature

Your viva

Once you have submitted your thesis you will be invited to defend the work at a ‘viva voce' (Latin for ‘by live voice'). The viva is a daunting prospect, but the fact that you are about to face it means that your doctorate is almost complete. Many people really enjoy this experience of discussing their research with genuinely interested experts. Remember that it is also a potentially important networking opportunity.

Take the preparation for your viva seriously and devote a substantial amount of time to it. Use our viva preparation checklist to help you to prepare.
Your institution may also offer training courses on viva preparation and there maybe opportunities to organise a practice viva, check with your supervision team for advice.

Support for Your Viva Exam Preparations

We hope you will find these pages of use in developing your own plan for preparing for the examination, but research students can access a range of University and other support.

Your Supervisor

Your supervisor can play a key role in developing a plan for your viva examination preparations. Your supervisor can offer guidance and reassurance as to what to expect and may also be able to help you with your preparations - for example, by going through a practice viva examination with you.
Speak with your supervisor early on in your preparations to see how they can help.

Think About Your Examiners

Different examiners have different styles when it comes to conducting viva examinations. Thinking about your examiners and their interests can give you some idea what to expect in your own exam.

Examiner Interests

Examiners are often guided in their examination questioning by their own research interests; familiarising yourself with the research interests of your examiners can therefore give you some indication as to the lines of questioning they may follow.
Of course you won't be able to anticipate their lines of questioning entirely, but you might gain some insight and be able to anticipate an area of your own research in which they may show a particular interest.

How to Prepare for Your Viva Voce Exam

Getting ready for your viva exam isn't something you need to panic about. It's normal to be anxious, but you can prepare yourself for the big day in four easy steps:
  1. Get to Re-Know Your Thesis
  2. Practice Your Exam Responses
  3. Think About Your Examiners
  4. Use the Support Available

Practice Viva Questions

Every viva examination is different, so it is not possible to know in advance exactly what the examiners will ask you. However, there are some common questions which you may like to practice as part of your own preparations.

Generally, the questions that are asked in viva examinations can be grouped under four basic headings:
  • What is it about?
  • What did you do?
  • What did you find?
  • Why does that matter?
Practicing how you would answer these four basic questions will take you a long way in your preparations.
Below are some more specific questions that follow on from these basic questions; these are arranged following the order of a typical thesis. Again, practice how you would answer them and think about any other questions that might come up in the context of your own research.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Tips for Voce Viva Success

The viva voce, or the defense, is the final hurdle in becoming a doctor (of philosophy of course). It is also often the most feared part of completing a PhD, fueled by horror stories of evil examiners and 8 hour long exams. I drove myself crazy by reading stories of failed vivas on the internet, and convinced myself of my impending doom. But after having what I can only describe as a relatively pleasant experience, I want to let people know that viva’s aren’t always a hellish experience, as well as sharing my tips for making the best of it.
I should start off by mentioning that my PhD wasn’t smooth sailing. Lots of things went wrong and I had many months of negative results, and because of this I convinced myself I was going to fail. However, I ended up rather enjoying my viva and am sure it is in no small part due to some great advice I received. I want to pass this advice on, so here are my top tips for getting through, and maybe even enjoying, your viva.

Monday 12 August 2013

Success Story when Apply some Tips and Strategies To Easily And Completely Stop Emotional Eating, Food Binges And Late Night Eating ~

In this short weight loss presentation I will teach you a somewhat unusual weight loss strategy that can help you get a flatter belly in under 7 days, while still enjoying the foods you love. This is the first tip that I always teach my patients here in Fishers, IN. And is the same tip that helped one of my patients whom I'm most proud of, (Lori) lose 2 inches from

Network Marketing Success : Free Tips Today

Network Marketing Success

by Rob Fore

Network Marketing Success

Over the past 10 years Lisa and I have enjoyed “network marketing success” twice.
The first company offered health and wellness products. Within two years, the business was bringing in a very solid full-time executive income.
We stopped actively promoting the company six years ago and we still get a check each and every month. So I would definitely consider that venture to be a network marketing success.
The reason we stopped actively promoting this first business is simply yet another business that had caught our attention that seemed to offer even more potential. PLUS, the magic of mlm is once your business gets to a certainly level called momentum – it will continue to grow and make more money with or without your active participation and we figured the first business was there.
Today you could say Lisa and I have created yet another network marketing success story as we are currently top 20 income earners with a team of over 10,000 active distributors worldwide in this second business.
How cool is that? But wait! It’s get even better because what you are about to discover may surprise, even shock you…

Network Marketing Success Secrets

Along the way, I have to tell you, we have searched the world over for a SHORT CUT to building a huge business fast. A MAGIC PILL that would be easy to swallow and that somehow magically heal our financial woes. And frankly, what we discovered is truly profound once you wrap your mind around it…
Network Marketing is the Shortcut!

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Jose Ardon : Real Story to Share

Jose Ardon is a true rags to riches and inpirational story.  Having only 4 years traditional education, Pingates