Monday 23 September 2013

[ Fitness Tool ] Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle Review

Marcy fitness equipment’s have been in the market since 1946 and has been one of the largest manufacturers of fitness equipment’s in the United Kingdom. Unlike other exercise bikes with hard and small chairs, this Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle has substantial chair which makes your cycling experience comfortable plus the fact that your back is supported appropriately. Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle

This machine focuses mainly on your cardiovascular system as well as improves your strength. Key features of the
• It comes with an adjustable tension-tightening knob allowing users to choose the level of workout that suits them.
• This machine comes with eight levels of preset resistance thus making it easier for you to either increase or decrease the level of resistance. So as your strength increases, you can change the resistance level to match your strength power.
 • It has console display to provide you data on how much calories you’ve burned in a specific time and distance.
• It comes with an adjustable seat to ensure that whatever is your body type, this machine will remain comfortable and suitable for you.
• It comes with an adjustable foot straps to ensure foot security when biking.

Product Overview 
Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle is a well-loved machine by most health enthusiasts out there. It only weighs 64 pounds with a dimension of 55.5 x 25 x 37.5 inches so you can be sure that this is portable and easy to store. Working out from the comfort of your home is possible with this machine. So if you’re not only body conscious but at the same time health conscious, then this machine delivers what you need. It helps you strengthen your muscles through its eight levels of preset resistance feature. This feature allows you to increase your strength one step at a time by just increasing the level of resistance everyday or every week depending on your program. It also enhances the burning of calories so attaining the figure you dreamed of is promising. If you want to check on the amount of calories you’ve burnt, this has a large console display where you can check on your progress, set the time frame and distance needed for your work out. When it comes to its comfort level, this is one of a kind. Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle has a recumbent step-through frame so your back is well supported to prevent any back pains from inappropriate body mechanics. Because of its adjustable seat, small or large built users can enjoy the benefits this machine can offer. As an added feature, this machine also has counterbalanced pedals with straps to provide a steady footing during work out. You can be sure that no matter how fast you pedal or slow, your foot remains steady. 

Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle is packed with great features that most users love. Based from its features, you can see that this offers an intensive workout that you will enjoy. It’s also portable and its console allows you to check on your progress. It has adjustable parts and a lot of positive things to offer making this machine one of the best in the market. 

The Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle resistance feature doesn’t work for some users. They find it ineffective and the foot strap easily loosens. One may need to adjust it time to time which can be very disturbing especially if you’re in the middle of your session. Customer Reviews Most users have a lot of positive things to say about this piece of machine. First, most find this easy to assemble, the manual instruction is clear and easy to follow and the size is small and portable. So if one needs to transport this then it’s not a problem. The machine works quietly and delivers exactly what it promises so one can be sure that having this piece of fitness equipment is a smart choice.  

For those who are looking for a machine that is portable enough and at the same time delivers what it promises, then look no further. The Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle can help you achieve your goals through its great features that you can benefit from. Being healthy is really possible, no need to head out to the gym! Managing your figure and health can be done from the comfort of your home with this machine.

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